Thank-you for becoming a Preserve Broadwater HistorySponsor. Your donation will help keep Broadwater County History alive!

Preserve Broadwater History is a 501(c3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible.

You can become a sponsor by making a credit card donation (below) OR by mailing a donation to:
  Preserve Broadwater History, Inc.
  P.O. Box 245
  Townsend, MT 59644

Contact Information

Your donation is fully tax deductible. So, we do need your contact information to send you the IRS required charitable contribution receipt.
We will mail you the IRS charitable contribution receipt.

Preserve Broadwater History Sponsorship Levels:

    Platinum Level: $500.00 and above

    Gold Level: $250.00 - $499.00

    Silver Level: $100.00 - $249.00

    Bronze Level: $50.00 - $99.00

ANY Donation is welcome and appreciated!
