Meat Preparation in early Radersburg
A few lines so that you may know how meat was handled. Show cases and cooling systems were unheard of. The slaughter-house was one-half mile from the butcher shop. Big steers were driven into a corral made of big poles, high and stout. From there they were forced into a slaughter house where a large rope encircled their heads, the loose end of which passed thourgh a big iron ring in the floor, then outside around a log of the building. By this you will note that the animal's head would be near the floor. Then it was either shot or hit on top of the head with an ax and hung up on the side of the butcher shop wall. Mosquito net was placed on it to prevent flies from destroying it.
Can you image the swarms of flies?!
With a livery barn about 20 feet asway and another barn in the back of the butcher house - in other words the same room in which the cuts were sold to the customers. Should evidence of flies appear on the cut you were buying, the kind-hearted butcher would cut that portion off - very sparingly - and give it to you for your dog or cat.
Screens were unheard of in those days!