Radersburg Lodge Hall
The original society organization at Radersburg was Mount Hope Lodge No. 4 I.O.G.T. (Independent Order of Good Templars) organized April 12, 1868 with 12 members - H.C. Powers, Lodge Deputy.
Jefferson Lodge No. 52 A.F. and A.M. (Ancient Free and Accepted Masons) was chartered November 1, 1870. The Past Masters and Master Masons of the Lodge in 1883 were:
- Charles Hossfeld - Past Master
- Frank Wells - Past Master
- H.E.G. Winters - Past Master
- Ben Townsley - Past Master
- A.F. Bright
- George Behrenger
- J.C. Blacker
- James Bullard
- J.M.D Taylor
- Joseph E. Hassel
- WIlliam Jewell
- B.F. Lowry
- Alfred Myers
- Isom Prewitt
- Philip Roberts
- E.E. Warden
- A.W. Sederberg
- John Johnson
- Robert Hossfeld
On August 18th, 1870 a Grand Masonic Ball was held in the Masonic Hall attended by many prominent Helena members. Supper was served in the courthouse.
A real find in the search of Radersburg history was the original deeds whereby the present I.O.O.F Hall, formerly the Masonic Hall, was acquired: John H. Ming of the County of Lewis and Clark, Territory of Montana sold a parcel of land and appurtenances in the town of Radersburg, County of Jefferson, Territory of Montana, described as follows: Lot 2 in Block3, situated on the corner of Main and Ella Streets on the east side of Main Street for the sum of two hundred dollars. This property was sold to John Johnson and Albert W. Sederberg on June 9, 1870.
On May 1, 1873 J.R. Weston sold to Johnson and Sederberg Lot 19, Block 9 on the east side of Main Street signed by J.R. Weston, Probate Judge.
On October 27, 1896 A.W. Sederburg and Mrs. John Johnson sold to Radersburg Lodge No. 61 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (James Wood, Robert Hossfeld and Winslow Williams were Trustees of the Order and acting on behalf of same) Lot 19, Block 9, one two story house and appurtenances of $175.00. The deed was signed by George B. Easterly, notary public.
On March 1, 1904 Thomas J. Smith sold to Radersburg Lodge, No 61 I.O.O.F (John Sitton, Will George and Olaf Berg, Trustees) Lot 19, Block 9 for $150.00.
Radersburg Lodge No. 61, I.O.O.F was chartered June 26, 1896. The chartered members were:
- E. Wenstrom
- W.H. Hadley
- A.B. Rosman
- John Hossfeld
- E.M. Lamb
- John Doughty
- Charles Holling
- Robert Hossfeld
- James Wilder
- W.S. Williams
- James Williams
- Bismarck Williams
- Walter Holling
- Sam Y. Pierce
- F.M. Pyle
- George B. Easterly
Their first report of June 26 to December 31, 1896 shows that George E. Edwards, Fred Smith and Olaf Berg were initiated and all charter members were admitted by card.
The report of January 2 to June 20, 1897 William F. Hamper initiated. Between July 1 and June 31, 1898 J.S. Hargrove, R Hargrove and John Hargrove were initiated.
From July 1, 1899 through June 30 1903 Theodore A. Hargrove, Beecher K. Beatham, John Sitton, William P. George, William Nitsch and G.F. Ramspeck were initiated and V.T. Patterson was admitted as A.O.F.
July 1 to Dec 31 1903 no on was initiated; but, Otto Allbrecht, J.H. Bacon, M.L. Cavenaugh, Jas Duncan, Andrew Dalin, C.H. Erickson, Fred H. Krueger, Jas. Koltenbronn, John Neville, Matt Quinn, Jon Thompson, J.G. Warren, T.J. Whalen and E.C. York were admitted by card. These men were members of the Hassell Lodge. Notice was found whereby Radersburg Lodge No. 61 and Radersburg and Broadwater Lodge No. 64 and Hassel were granted permission to vote on consolidation by resolution adopted by the Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F. Montana at their 25th annual session.
Done at the City of Butte, Montana this thirteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three and of the order the eighty fifth year.
David J. Charles, Grand Master
The report periods of Jan 1, 1904 through June 30, 1907 shows that F.L. Williams, J.L. Wood Jr., W.E. Spangler, W.F. Poe, George Lyons, W.B. Townsley, A.F. Smith, Orlando Allen, William Sitton, F.L. Rothmel, A.G. Berg and Willis Smith were initiated and L.E. Marshall was admitted by card.
By 1918 the following had been initiated into the Lodge in Radersburg: John Fallis, Harry Garside, James Garside, H.A. Hewins, Andrew Stuart, L.C. Temple, Daniel Faringer, John Winner, Charles Eybel, Steve Feshern, Thomas McMullan, J.A. McDonald, Leslie Smith, F.B. Johnson, Chester Gordy, C.E. Gox, Jesse B. Roote Jr., R.P. Spangler, C. Oblesky, Arthur Smith, E.R. Abbott, W.F. Boulware, J.F. Olsen, E.A. Olsen, John Aldrich, R.C. Holgate M.D., E.E. Parker, Thomas Logan, John Conta, Weley Bucklin and A.M. Kimpton.
Many more were initiated in the years to follow, but during the years of World War II when the mines closed and the population of Radersburg dropped to almost nothing, the members dropped out until there were not enough left to conduct the meetings. The charter was picked up January 1, 1945 and there the Odd Fellows Lodge closed. However the Bluebell Rebekah Lodge No. 52 is still active but meets in Three Forks. One member, Jean E. Ralls in 1992 became the state wide President of the Rebekah Assembly of Montana.
The building which contains the hall has virtually been unchanged for 140+ years - it even has the original beautiful Masonic wallpaper gracing the upstairs.