


Townsend Schools Seventh Graders gathered at the Historic Radersburg Schoolhouse for a presentation from Broadwater County Museum Curator Linda Huth about the history of Radersburg during the second annual Radersburg History Outing sponsored by the Broadwater County Museum, Radersburg Historic Preserveration, Inc. and Preserve Broadwater History.

To read more about the outing click on Second Annual Radersburg History Outing


Radersburg Historical Preservation, Inc.

Radersburg Historical Preservation, Inc. (RHPI) is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of Radersburg, Montana.

Far from a ghost town, Radersburg is a friendly community of about 75 founded in 1866 in the Crow Creek Valley. Once home to more than 1,000 miners and their families and the seat of Jefferson County from 1869 - 1884, Radersburg's main street is lined with historic buildings dating back to its days of glory.

Independent Record, Helena Montana

Radersburg Historical Preservation, Inc. meets the 3rd Saturday of every week. Pot luck lunch at 1:00 with the meeting at 2:00.  


Radersburg Historical Preservation has a board of directors which consists of seven members. The officers of the Board are as follows:

Alan Smith, President
Danny Williams, Vice President
Doris Hossfeld, Treasurer
Deb Smith, Secretary

Other Members of the Board are:

Jane Alsager
Bobbi Ann Lavinder
Dennis Miller